October 18, 2016
The Gentleman Diaries - Q&A With Lasse Matberg
For our second edition of The Gentleman Diaries, the team at W Model Management gave us the chance to catch up with one of their models, Lasse Matberg.
W Model Management recently celebrated their 10th birthday (Happy birthday guys!). They were the first London model agency committed to representing models that are healthy, toned and have a holistic, well balanced approach to their lifestyle. We were very impressed to learn that W Model Management encourage their models to eat well, exercise more and to learn new skills.
The newest gentleman to join W Model Management is Mr. Lasse Matberg. You've probably seen Lasse on Instagram somewhere! Lasse is the bearded Norwegian Lieutenant, and the perfect gentleman for The Gentleman Diaries.
Here's what Lasse had to say when we caught up with him..

Instagram @lasselom / Credit - W Model Management
1. Tell us your story..
I was born and bred in Verdal, a small town in the middle of nowhere, in the centre of Norway. I have worked for The Norwegian Navy for 10 years, specialising within the sports department. I am currently enjoying this unpredictable, yet exhilarating rollercoaster ride that I'm on!
2. You have a great beard, how long did it take you to grow it?
Thank you! It's taken around 6 months for my current beard style, but I have flirted with various different types and styles.
I'm currently settled with the one I have now, and who knows maybe I'll let it grow out over the next few months. It gets cold in Norway!
3. When was the last time you were clean shaven?
The last time was around 2013. See the picture below!
Instagram @lasselom / Credit - W Model Management
4. How do you maintain such a well groomed beard?
I visit my local barber, Brødrene Fevangs Barberstue, around once a week (sometimes more). I use wax during the day and always use a beard oil at night. I think a really good comb and the right products are key to a great beard!
5. For the gents with longer hair, do you have any top tips for taking care of a long lustrous mane?
Once again, knowing your hair and what products suit you best are essential. I rinse my hair every day, but I give it a thorough wash around 3 times a week. I use natural oils to maintain moisture throughout and look after split ends. I always sleep with my hair tied up to prevent waking up with knots!

Instagram @lasselom / Credit - W Model Management
6. How long did it take you to grow your hair to the length it is today?
Around 5 years, but that's down to constant maintenance and trimming every 8 weeks.
7. Do you have any style & grooming icons? If so, who are they?
If I am completely honest, I have always veered away from any trends with regards to my hair, and I can say that has been a strong part of my identity. Ever since I was a young kid, I admired any iconic characters from cartoons or movies with long hair.

Instagram @lasselom / Credit - W Model Management
8. Do you have any bad grooming habits?
I really should learn to brush my hair more often as its prone to knots, but then again I'd hate for it to look too polished.
9. And finally, what do you think it means to be a gentleman?
I think being a gentleman isn't just an attitude, but its a disposition that is acquired from a young age. While aesthetics are important, it's the day to day behaviours that make a true gent. Always putting others before yourself, smiling at strangers and smelling good are the trick.

Instagram @lasselom / Credit - W Model Management
We'd like to say a big thank you to the guys at W Model Management, and Lasse for the Q&A. You can find W Model Management at wmodel.co.uk or on Twitter & Instagram.
To see more of the bearded Lieutenant Lasse, check out his Instagram page.
Enjoy that? Take a look at our first Gentleman Diaries with Made in Chelsea star, and founder of Serge DeNimes, Oliver Proudlock.